Getting Started Part Two: Set up a Basic Site Structure and Choose a License

Now that you have WordPress installed, let’s get some basic settings changed and your site structure set up. These instructions are a recommended starting place for your site. Once you become more comfortable with WordPress, feel free to make adjustments and customize your site to meet your needs.

  1. Change the name of your site from “My Blog” to “My ePort.” (Look in Settings -> General)
  2. Delete “Just another WordPress Site” from your tagline and write something better about your site! (Also found in Settings -> General)
  3. Hover over +New in the top admin menu and go to “Page” to add a new Page.
  4. Title the page “Blog” and click Publish.
  5. Add another new page.
  6. Title it “Recent Work” publish it.
  7. Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Homepage Settings
  8. Choose “Static Front Page.
  9. Then set your pages:
    1. Home page: About
    2. Posts page: Blog
  10. Click Publish.
  11. Click the back arrow in the Customizer sidebar.
  12. Go to Menus
  13. Menu name: “Main,” and click “Create Menu”
  14. Choose a display location of Top Menu, then Publish.
  15. Add items to your men: Blog, About, Recent Work (drag “About” so it is on top)
  16. Publish Menu

Now, we’ll work on getting you a license for your work. You can read a lot more about Creative Commons elsewhere on this site, but right now we want to get you started with a license.

  1. Open a new tab in your browser and go to Creative Commons: Choose a License
  2. Fill out the buttons as you wish.
  3. Copy the code at the bottom.
  4. Go back to your ePort and navigate to your About page.
  5. Click the “Edit Page” button in the top admin bar.
  6. Click on the plus sign in the editor and type “HTML.” A block should appear titled “Custom HTML.” Click on it to add it to your page.
  7. Paste what you copied in step 3. Now your license will be displayed on your about page.

Check out your new ePort! Go home and play around with themes, header images, adding more content, and other fun stuff.


AR 1065 Design & Meaning Handbook Copyright © by Phil Lonergan. All Rights Reserved.

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