Getting Started Part One: Get a Domain and Install WordPress

Getting started with your ePort means first getting an account on Plymouth Create (and choosing a domain/URL for your account) and installing WordPress (the Web application you’ll be using to build your site).

Choose a Domain/URL

One important step in this process will be choosing a domain/URL for your Plymouth Create account.

Choosing your domain name is the first step in getting started with staking your claim on the web. Your domain name is a unique Web address (e.g. that can be used to build out your own digital presence. As you make your choice, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Your Domain Name Must Be Available: Domain names must be unique, which means in order for you to claim your own, you need to be sure that it is currently available (and not being used by any one else at PSU).

There are lots of tools to check on domain availability, and when you sign up on Plymouth Create, we’ll actually check the availability of your choice for you.

All PlymouthCreate domains contain “,” but when you leave PSU, you can migrate your website to another hosting account or company and choose a unique URL of your own (,, or, for example).

Choose a Suitably General Domain: You may be tempted to choose a URL that is specific to the class you’re enrolled in right now. However, if you continue to use your ePort in other courses, this isn’t the best choice. We recommend you choose a URL/domain that is general enough to be suitable in other courses.

Choose a Domain You Can Live With: You should choose a domain name that you feel you can live with for the duration of your time at PSU. You should pick something that you won’t find embarrassing in the future. 

You May Wish to Include Your Name in Your Domain: There is no requirement that your domain reflect your specific identity in the form of your first and last name. However, choosing a domain name that includes your name may make it easier for you to achieve higher rankings in search engines when someone queries your real name.

Pick a Domain you Like: At the end of the day, your domain should reflect you. Pick a domain you like and are proud of. It can reflect your interests, sports you play, or your hobby. Or it could just be your name. The “right” domain for you is the one you’re comfortable with.

Set Up Your Account & Install WordPress

Once you’ve decided on a URL/domain for your account, you can find a complete tutorial on how to set up a Plymouth Create account and install WordPress on the PSU Knowledge Base.



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